The global HIV/AIDS has claimed over 20 million lives. Almost 40 million people to be living with HIV/AIDS worldwide is cause of death worldwide among 15 to 59 year olds. Russia , India and China are considered "next wave" countries, where large numbers of people are infected with HIV. The Russian Federation has the largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe (an estimated 860,000). There are increasing concerns about the spread of the epidemic in Asia as well, particularly in China and India , the two most populous nations in the world.. India already has the second highest number of people estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS in the world (5.1 million).
 HIV/AIDS on Women, Children, & Young People

Women adults living with HIV/AIDS around the world, rising from an estimated 41% in 1997 to 47% as of the end of 2004.
In sub-Saharan Africa, women represented more than half (57%) of adults living with HIV/AIDS as of the end of 2004.
Young people ages 15-24 account for approximately half of new HIV infections among adults each year and represented over a quarter (28%) of the global total of adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2003.

As many as 1 in 4 Americans with HIV do not know they are infected., There are several kinds of HIV tests available in the U.S., including rapid tests, which can provide results in as little as 10 minutes. It is important to know your status. if you are sexually active, you should practice safer sex with latex condoms and/or dental dams. A positive test result is not a death sentence.

Always use a condom for vaginal or anal sex, and barrier methods, such as a condom or dental dam, for oral sex.
If HIV-positive are pregnant, see her health care provider to get appropriate treatment the child during pregnancy and delivery.
Antibodies produced by the body to fight HIV infection, antibodies within two to eight weeks (the average is 25 days), to six months
HIV tests available in the U.S.
Blood test: Results are available within a few days to two weeks.
An oral fluid test: swabs the inside of the mouth.. Results are available within a few days to two weeks.
Rapid HIV tests: are performed as little as 20 minutes

A home HIV test: first came onto the market in 1997. May be purchased from many drug stores and online. An individual pricks their finger with a special device, places drops of blood on a specially treated card, and mails the card to a lab for testing. Using an identification number printed on the card, they phone for test results and may also receive counseling and referral by phone. Results can be obtained in as little as three days.

 A urine test: is collected by a health care provider and tested at a lab.Calypte is the only FDA-approved urine HIV test. Results are generally available within a few days to two weeks.It is important to be able to talk about sex. it gets easier if you know the facts. Bottom line: When it comes to sex, open and honest communication is important, with friends, health care providers, parents/family, and partner (s).When discussing HIV or other STDs with your health care provider, s/he is likely to ask you some personal questions. Be prepared to talk honestly about your sexual history, including sexual experiences, number of partners, methods of protection or contraception used, and drug use history. You should also mention any bodily changes, including menstrual cycle changes, vaginal or penile discharge, genital discomfort, or genital skin changes. If you're not open and honest with your provider, s/he will not be able to help you.
    Write down a list of questions before you get to the doctor's office. Be sure to note anything unusual- like painful areas and rashes, bumps or sores that won't go away .It's important to talk with your kids about HIV/AIDS. It's never too early to start.

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