Japan: Ministry Plans Free HIV Tests at Hospitals 2005 HLWM said To bypass those difficulties, HLWM will allow the Japanese Red Cross Society to commission medical institutions to conduct the tests. Those who want an HIV test can be interviewed by blood donor facility doctors, who will refer the patient for testing at a designated medical institution. The Red Cross Society will pay about \7,000 ($64) for each free test. HLWM anticipates \200 million-\300 million ($1.8 million-$2.7 million) altogether to subsidize the tests. Free public HIV testing peaked in According to the survey, 34
patients died of AIDS-related complications in 2003, 23 from
June 1, 2004 Revisions to Sex education, which begins in the third grade, has run into difficulties with parents who have protested the use of graphic material, the education ministry reported. Many conservative parents also argue that displaying condoms and other contraceptives in class is against Asian values and could promote early sexual activity. Surveys indicate that Japanese girls now begin to menstruate at ages 10-12, at least two years earlier than their mothers. Of third-year high school students, 30 percent report they have experienced sex at least once, compared to two decades ago when sexual debut was most often at age 20. In 2002, almost 50,000 abortions were recorded among Japanese age 20 and below, compared to 27,838 in 1994. Youths ages 10-19 comprised 29.8 percent of new chlamydia cases reported in 2002. While intercourse can only be
discussed in high school, 70 percent of primary students are already aware
of the topic, according to research by Dr. Masako Kihara, a teacher at
Africa is known for its sufferings and
battle with diseases such as HIV/AIDS.The deadly impact of this disease
has caused many young boys and girls without mothers and fathers.Some of
these young girls drop out of school and start becoming prostitutes at a
very early early age..even from age 12.In Kenya,HIV/AIDS pandemic
spreads like bush-fire due to some unethical,primitive traditions and
cultures which demands that when a husband dies,the wife must be
inherited..meaning that some man must come to intercourse with her even
if the husband died of HIV/AIDS.This is affecting our societies in Kenya
and many young mothers whose spouse died of HIV/AIDS keep spreading this
deadly virus to many other men.We must STOP HIV/AIDS by sensitizing our
people to leave old and primitive traditional beliefs and customs.We
must come out to help the infected and affected children living with
this disease and look for Rehabilitation programmes for
them!Also,anybody who is already infected by HIV/AIDS must stop having
sex or use condoms in order to eradicate this deadly virus!!WE MUST
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